Friday, September 30, 2011

Drawings by Francesca - September '11

Here are some of Francesca's latest works. She have been very busy drawing everyday and I just have to preserve her works for her to see in the future.

Hello blog!

Hello my blog! Hopefully I am back and can do blog postings every month. No promises here but will try my very best to update you every month :).

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Poptropica drawing

My eldest son, Zach is into playing Poptropica, an online game for kids, that is why his drawings are all about Poptropica characters.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Evolution of a 4 yr. old's drawing

My daughter, Francesca,  had been drawing even before she turned 4 but she was not that enthusiastic back then. I would seldom see her sit down and scribble on the paper or notebooks. Ahh I remember, she likes to do coloring most of the time (maybe next time I can post some of her coloring works).It was just recently that I would always find her busy drawing or scribbling her name. Actually she is already complaining that she needs a new set of notebooks and she needs a bigger size of paper. The two new notebooks we gave her are almost filled up and our A4 size bond papers are almost running out. I think it's time to replenish the supplies.

Here are some of her drawings.
One of the first drawings she did before turning 4 yrs. old.

A few of the first attempts to draw the family. 
The family, the improved version.
Ribbon and hands were added as improvements.

my favorite of all! I like the color combination.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

My Family

Here is my son's first artwork for the year 2011 on his new drawing pad that we gave him for his 8th birthday. Very happy to say that he thought about drawing his family, no pressure from me, I didn't ask him to do this, *wink, *wink... yah right! I have always been asking him to draw one for me and he finally gave in :). That's why I am soooo thankful. This drawing made my day!

And now I present to you my FAMILY. 

Each one of us took turns in coloring this family pic.

And here is another family drawing my son did last 2010.